VW Transporter Air Conditioning
Regular service is important to ensure that your VW Transporter keeps running and performing at its best.
Your VW Transporters air conditioning plays an important role all year round, keeping you cool in the summer & keeping your windows free of condensation during the winter months.
It’s important to use your air conditioning regularly to avoid corrosion & failure of some expensive components.
It is advised to have your air conditioning serviced every two years to keep the air inside your VW clean & freshly filtered.
VW Transporter Specialist can currently service air conditioning systems using type R134a and R1234yf gas.
Aircon Regas (R134a)
Drain and recharge the System
Inspect for damage and deep clean
Health Check for battery, lights, brakes and more
This price includes air con gas R134a
Aircon Service (R134a)
Drain and recharge the System
Inspect for damage and deep clean
Health Check for battery, lights, brakes and more.
Additional bacterial clean
This price includes air con gas R134a
(Optional cabin filter)
Aircon Regas (R1234yf)
Drain and recharge the System
Inspect for damage and deep clean
Health Check for battery, lights, brakes and more
This price includes air con gas R1234yf
Aircon Service (R1234yf)
Drain and recharge the System
Inspect for damage and deep clean
Health Check for battery, lights, brakes and more.
Additional bacterial clean
This price includes air con gas Aircon Service R1234yf
(Optional cabin filter)

Get In Touch
Our Address
Unit 28, 59 Chartwell Drive, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 2FS
Phone Number
0116 244 0404
Email Address